News and Events
Efficient Cooling with ANME and LBNL
At the invitation of the General Director of ANME, LBNL presented to the Cooling Task Force set up by the government in April 2023. The team showcased how a revision to the current energy efficiency standards for ACs could result ...
LBNL and USAID Power Tunisia Partner to Cut Emissions in Tunisia’s Hotel Sector
Energy consumed by Tunisian hotels accounts for one quarter of the final energy consumed in the Tunisian services sector and is growing by 5.5% annually. On March 7th, LBNL and Power Tunisia organized a workshop and gained concurrence from ANME ...
Tunisia Energy Transition Financing
As part of the USAID-Berkeley Lab-ANME collaboration and taking advantage of the visit carried out by the LBNL team in Tunisia (March 4-8, 2024), a workshop on the design of a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was organized by both parties ...
“Cooling Summit” in Ecuador addresses impacts of cooling electricity consumption
As part of continuing engagement conducted by LBNL and USAID through the Energy Efficiency Development program (EE4D) to advance energy efficiency in Ecuador, a Cooling Summit was convened on November 15, 2023, to address the environmental and economic impacts associated ...
USAID and Berkeley Lab Advance Energy Efficiency Standard Revision for Air Conditioners in Ecuador
An update of the current minimum energy performance standard for air conditioners in Ecuador could achieve an avoidance of generation capacity of 240 MWs by 2035 and 460 MWs by 2045, according to a report developed by Berkeley Lab with ...
Efficient Building Challenge in Mexico City supported by USAID/Mexico and LBNL achieves energy savings and emission reductions
LBNL and USAID/Mexico delivered technical assistance to the 2022-2023 Mexico City Efficient Building Challenge, an initiative aimed at reducing energy use and GHG emissions in public and private buildings. The project, led by WRI Mexico and the Mexico City Secretariat ...
Watch: Virtual Launch of Uganda’s Efficient Productive Use of Energy Chapter
Uganda’s Efficient Productive Use of Energy Chapter was recently launched in a virtual event. Watch the webinar here ...
The Demand Side Management (DSM) Project, a collaboration between USAID and Berkeley Lab in South Africa (SA), addressed the load shedding crisis in SA by emphasizing energy efficiency strategies
The Demand Side Management (DSM) Project, a collaboration between USAID and Berkeley Lab in South Africa (SA), addressed the load shedding crisis in SA by emphasizing energy efficiency strategies in the Energy Efficiency Business Intelligence webinar. Project experts, Theo Covary, ...
USAID Launches Women Entrepreneurs Chapter on Efficient Clean Energy Use in Uganda
Today, as part of the US government’s Power Africa initiative, USAID launched a Women’s Local Chapter on Efficient Productive Use of Electricity (EPUE) in Uganda that brings together women entrepreneurs who rely on energy for production and advises them to ...
Energy Efficiency and Productive Use of Electricity in Women Businesses in Uganda
Energy Empower East Africa is a woman-focused demand-side program that seeks to unlock the benefits of modern energy access for women, highlighting the crucial role of women in driving Productive Use of Electricity (PUE) initiatives. During program implementation, EEEA identified ...
Energy Empowers East Africa: Kampala Workshop, 27th July
USAID and LBNL co-organized a national workshop with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development of Uganda in Kampala on July 27th as part of the Energy Empowers East Africa (EEEA) program. The workshop focused on Productive Use of Electricity ...
EE4D Wins USAID’s 2023 Energy Sector Photo Contest in Energy Efficiency Category
EE4D's photo documentation of the Energy Empowers East Africa program has been selected as winner in USAID's 2023 Energy Sector Photo Contest! The winning photo in the Energy Efficiency category showcases how modern, clean and efficient electric equipment supports women ...
USAID and Berkeley Lab Expand Collaboration with the Government of Ecuador on Energy Efficiency
While Ecuador aims to reduce cumulative energy consumption equivalent to 150,907 gigawatt hours by 2035, a lack of public awareness on energy efficiency opportunities in buildings is impeding progress. To address these barriers, on April 28th, 2023, with support from ...
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in East Africa With Energy Efficiency
International development project enables Ugandan women to grow small businesses with energy-efficient electrical equipment – and fight climate change at the same time. Women who run small businesses in Uganda can build energy efficiency into their business plans thanks to ...
Uganda – Matchmaking Event to facilitate Access to Finance for Efficient and Productive Use of Electricity in Women-run Businesses
The Energy Empowers East Africa program organized a matchmaking event on March 16th in Uganda, Mbarara District where women entrepreneur connected with financial institutions and local vendors of electric appliances. This event is a continuation of the program's efforts to ...
Boosting Women-Owned Small Businesses’ Competitiveness through Energy Efficiency
Shamim Jaffar, a business owner in rural Uganda, had never learned how appliances like her refrigerator use electricity. “I had no idea what the temperature dial switch does,” she explained. Read the article by Christine Chumbler, Climate Links here ...
Boosting Women-Owned Small Businesses’ Competitiveness through Energy Efficiency
Shamim Jaffar, a business owner in rural Uganda, had never learned how appliances like her refrigerator use electricity. “I had no idea what the temperature dial switch does,” she explained. “I didn’t expect that opening the fridge [for long periods] ...
USAID and LBNL expand engagement with the government and HVAC industry in Ecuador to advance energy efficiency (EE) standard for air conditioners.
Electricity consumption for cooling in the residential sector in Ecuador represents up to 27% of total energy use in coastal areas and is projected to grow significantly as the ownership rate of air conditioning units is expected to increase in ...
LBNL collaborates in SURE webinar exploring energy efficiency opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa
USAID’S Scaling Up Renewable Energy (SURE) program convened a webinar on October 27th, 2022 with participation by TetraTech, CLASP and LBNL to identify potential energy efficiency interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), region that is experiencing a rapid population growth and ...
Training on Efficient and Productive Use of Energy and Business Development delivered to Women Entrepreneurs in Uganda
The USAID’s Energy Empowers East Africa (EEEA) program, whose objective is to advance the role of women entrepreneurs as agents of change through productive use of electricity (PUE) and the use of energy efficient appliances, concluded its 6th week of ...
Launching of USAID/Mexico Partnership for Net Zero Cities
LBNL (along with members of USAID's Energy and Green Cities Division) was invited by USAID/Mexico and RTI to collaborate in the co-creation workshop held in Mexico City on October 25th-27th to kick off the USAID/Mexico Partnership for Net Zero Cities ...
LBNL Supporting Implementation of Energy Efficiency Standards in Kenya
As part of technical assistance provided by USAID’s Kenya Energy Regulatory Partnership Program to develop capacity building on energy efficiency and energy management, LBNL participated in a webinar convened by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) on October 18th for the local ...
Watch: Exploring Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Sub Saharan Africa
Countries in sub-Saharan Africa are working to provide accessible, affordable, and reliable energy while navigating a transition to net-zero emissions. At the same time, these countries are experiencing rapid population growth which has major implications for energy demand for transportation, ...
LBNL Delivers Training Improve Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Mexico
On August 10, 2022, USAID/Mexico partner Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) held a virtual training session for the building energy efficiency team at the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE) on the use of the Building Efficiency ...
USAID and LBNL Help Advance Demand-Side Management in South Africa
USAID and LBNL are supporting the South African Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) in its effort to design a new Demand-Side Management (DSM) program. The LBNL team is providing inputs on DMRE's approach to integrate energy efficiency as ...
Berkeley Lab Briefs USAID/Power Africa Delegation on Clean Energy Development Opportunities
Berkeley Lab hosted a USAID/Power Africa delegation led by Coordinator Mark Carrato and Special Advisor Dan Kammen to discuss clean energy innovations across the buildings, transportation, and industrial sectors and tour the FLEXLAB® and the Biomass Stoves Laboratory. Michael McNeil, Energy and Environmental ...
USAID-LBNL project promoting Gender Equality through the Energy Empowers East Africa program highlighted at COP 26
The USAID-LBNL project “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in East Africa”, whose objective is to increase the inclusion of women in electrification programs and advance their role as productive agents of change through the use of energy efficient appliances, was ...
Energy Efficiency Can Help Countries Meet Rising Energy Demand and Climate Targets
EE4D collaborated with USAID and the Sharing Environment and Energy Knowledge (SEEK) project in the development of a blog post to highlight the importance of energy efficiency in achieving climate and energy security objectives. The blog post was published in ...
Energy Efficiency Standards Promote Climate and Energy Security in South Africa
Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling programs (EESL) have been implemented in more than 80 countries, covering more than 50 different types of energy-using appliances. They remove inefficient technologies from the market; deter more advanced economies from dumping older, less-efficient technologies ...
Energy Efficiency Should Be the “First Fuel” Powering the Global Climate Initiative
On April 23, 2021, the White House called for a Global Climate Ambition Initiative to “support developing countries in… implementing their nationally determined contributions and… enhance and meet their climate goals in ways that further their national development priorities.” According ...
Berkeley Lab helps the South Africa Department of Energy save the equivalent of a 500 MW coal plant
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) of South Africa issued a revision of mandatory energy performance standards (MEPS) for seven appliances on February 17, 2020. This revision will result in savings of 3 terawatt-hours of electricity by 2040, ...
Advancing discussions on building codes implementation in Mexico City
The MEI team (Lead Michael McNeil and Program Manager Alberto Diaz) held a meeting last July in Mexico City with partners in the Mexico City government and the non-governmental sector to advance collaboration projects on energy efficiency, including implementation of ...
Supporting improvement of energy management systems standards in Indonesia
In February of 2019, Berkeley Lab expert Peter Therkelsen participated in an “Measurement & Verification Standards” Workshop organized by USAID in Jakarta for the Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) and other stakeholders. As part of his participation ...
South Africa Energy Efficiency Modeling Workshop – July 2019
The Department of Energy of South Africa and the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) hosted a workshop on July 31st on Energy Efficiency Modelling in the Residential Sector. The workshop gave the opportunity for DOE to present the modeling methodology, ...